If there is one thing we have all learned from sci-fi movies, it is that evil begets evil. This is why they couldn't just blow up the thing in
The Fifth Element. This is why the Doctor doesn't use guns. And if you want to pop back to reality for a minute, wasn't this why the machine gun was invented in the first place? In the hopes that such a terrible machine would be built that would make the threat of warfare so horrible that nobody would ever want to fight a war again?
But here we are in a society (in America, specifically), where every single morning, I wake up and listen to the news which is largely a tally of how many people were shot overnight - often kids caught in the crossfire, often in double digits over the weekend - followed by a story about how some people are suing because their applications to be able to carry concealed weapons in public were denied. In Chicago alone, forty people were shot this past weekend. Forty people. Even if these people did not die from their injuries, they will carry these scars with them for the rest of their lives. Who knows what lasting physical issues they may experience, and what sort of financial ruin may result from the hospital bills. And yet more and more people want the right to carry guns with them all of the time.
Am I alone in asking, "What the fuck?"
Evil begets evil. Gun violence begets gun violence. Someone is attacked at gunpoint, so he feels it necessary to carry one himself, but he accidentally shoots a bystander, who's family goes to get guns to protect themselves, and they end up shooting a small child in the head during "playtime," which scars the kid's brother, who finds a gang to support him in his loneliness and powerlessness and they give him a gun and he attacks someone at gunpoint. And the whole cycle starts over again. And those of us who are not at all interested in guns, don't want to own them, don't want to be near them, still have to hear the stories on the news every single day about how many people were shot, wounded, and killed.
I think you all know I don't like to get too political on this blog, but this one has been bothering me for a long time. The way to stop gun violence is not for us all to arm ourselves. We all know that even though the machine gun was created to try to prevent wars from ever happening again, the exact opposite happened. If we feel the way to protect ourselves from guns is to buy more guns, we're doing it wrong.
I will also say that I don't the solution is to get rid of all guns. I'm kind of glad the police have them when they need them, and the military. You know, the instances for which the
Second Amendment was intended. But anyone would be hard pressed to convince me that it is necessary for, say, my coworkers to be able to keep guns in their desk drawers as they set about a harrowing day of balancing the company checkbook. Or that someone at a Cubs game absolutely must have a gun with them in the event that, what, a foul ball hits them in the face and they get mad at the pitcher? I don't think most of us need guns. And I think the more provisions are made to allow Joe Q. Public to have them, the more reports of tragic gun violence we will hear about on the news. I'm tired of those stories. Can we please talk about something else? Preferably because there were no overnight shootings to report? Please?